The Divine Service is celebrated at 10:30am every Sunday and as scheduled on other feast days.
We hope that you're able to join us!

Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church is a confessional, traditional, liturgical congregation in the English District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.  We are a small, friendly church that holds Holy Scripture to be the only source and norm of our faith and practice and The Book of Concord (1580) to be a true and faithful exposition of God's Holy Word.

Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church brings the Gospel of Our Lord in Word and Sacrament by using the historic, sacramental, and liturgical worship of the Church universal. You will find The Divine Service at Our Savior to be consistently rich, reverent, and theologically sound.

We are located on Wallings Road in North Royalton, Ohio, just minutes from multiple nearby highways.  We welcome people from all of northeast Ohio who are seeking a confessional, liturgical congregation where we preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Non-Sunday Feasts are announced here throughout the Church Year.
You can confirm our service dates and times also on our calendar page.

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For more information about the Lord’s Supper and who may receive the Sacrament at this altar, please see our page on Holy Communion.