2025-01-26 – The Third Sunday after the Epiphany – Sermon

✠ Psalmody: Psalm 97:7b-8a, 1; Psalm 102:15–16; Psalm 148:2; Psalm 118:16-17; Luke 4:22b

✠ Lection: 2 Kings 5:1-15b; Romans 12:16b-21; Matthew 8:1-13

In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Unless you are a member of the polar plunge club, who likes to subject your body to extremely cold water for who knows why, you’re likely not to be dipping yourself in Lake Erie right about now. The waters are not appealing in their rough frigidity and you wisely understand there’s no real sense in going down into them, regardless of how anyone tries to convince you.

Now, enter the mind of Naaman, a great and mighty man of valor, the commander of the army of the king of Syria way back in the days of the prophet Elisha. Naaman’s life brought him eventually to the banks of the Jordan River, a body of quite unappealing water in a foreign land, a land into which he had likely led military conquests against the northern kingdom of Israel. His life had been one of success, riches, and favor in the very eyes of his king. He had servants, treasures, and the full backing of his monarch in his endeavors, for Naaman had obviously gained much for him. The commander’s home would’ve been served with timely, well-prepared and well-served meals throughout the day. He would’ve slept in the best comfort available each night. Other human beings would’ve served him food to satisfy his hunger, drink to satisfy his thirst, all within moments of his beckoning. In the might of the kingdom and his position within, Naaman would’ve lacked none of his desires, except one. He was cursed with leprosy and lacked the ability to cure it. None of his riches, command, power, or sway could alleviate the day-to-day struggle of his own body being cursed to the point of constant pain. In the ways that mattered in his culture, he had all that could be desired and more. Yet, he lacked what royal treasuries couldn’t redeem: his restoration.

What could this great commander do for himself, he who had won massive battles, swayed regions to his king’s favor, and gained extravagance most only dream of? In most areas of life, he could do it all, he could fill his every need and desire, except in dealing with his leprosy. The curse clung to him like an invincible, perpetual foe, like one against which he had never fought. He knew it. His wife knew it. Her slave girl knew it. All those around him knew that his effort to rid himself of the curse was futile, ineffective at best, yet they cared for him still, even the slave, a girl from among God’s people, who had been taught in her home to fear, love, and trust in God. She had compassion on the mighty, leprous man. She knew the capability, the grace, the love of her God, the one and only true One in heaven and on earth. And though she served in slavery, she also chose to serve in love by telling her mistress, “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.” The first instance of the love of God and the good news of His favor toward even Naaman was proclaimed by someone we’ve been given only as an unnamed servant girl from the land of Israel, for the message is far more important. The Lord saw to it that His desire, His mercy on all, was being declared even in the land war-bent against Him and His chosen people, for His grace can overcome hard hearts. This violent enemy of God, Naaman, remained one for whom the Father would eventually send His own beloved Son to die. This wretched sinner, whom God had all justifiable right to smite, remained one to whom God sent His word of hope and did so more than once.

Glory be to God that Naaman considered the servant girl’s words enough to plan the journey. He prepared to seek this Israelite God’s prophet to see if there truly was help in the name of the Lord. But, Naaman’s heart still wasn’t set aright. He gathered 750 pounds of silver, 150 pounds of gold, and ten changes of fine clothing to take as an offering, altogether worth millions in today’s money. If what the servant girl said was available to him in Israel was true, Naaman was set, well-funded, able to buy his cure, if it were for sale. What healer wouldn’t do as he asked when offered such treasures?

It was a journey for sure first to get to the king of Israel, only then to wait while the royal man fretted about war with Syria, at least, that is, until the prophet Elisha heard of the commander’s request and the king’s frightful response. Resting quietly, confidently, faithfully in his home, the prophet sent for Naaman to come. The caravan came with his horses and chariots and stood at the door of Elisha’s house. Naaman thought that this would be the time when the prophet would come out and receive the riches, certainly far more than enough payment for the cure. He thought Elisha would call upon the name of Yahweh his God and wave his hand over the place and cure the leper. But it didn’t happen. For the second time, Naaman simply received a word of the Lord’s disposition toward him, this time delivered by another unnamed messenger. Beloved, we never need more than the sufficient Word of God to give us certainty about all things of this life and the next.

Yet, the proud commander would have nothing to do with being dealt with like this. Any exchange that Naaman was to have with this God would be as he saw fit, not the other way around, especially after being told to go down into the less-than-attractive, though not frigid, waters of the Jordan River, and dip seven times. He saw himself as above this. If anyone was worthy of a leprosy healing, it was this highly-valued commander in the great army of Syria. If anyone was able to gain this cleansing benefit, it was this wealthy, mighty man of valor. If anyone was able to win favor with the Lord, the God of the prophet in Israel, it was this man who already possessed great influence and favor with the backing of a powerful king. Yet everything he had gained him nothing, because God’s favor wasn’t his to be gained. It doesn’t take much luxury, much favor, much ease for us to grow prideful as if we need not God to give us every day. Or, that when we finally do put in some godly effort, that He should be quick with the owed favor.

You, dear Christian, need not hope or worry if you’re good enough or are serving God enough for you to in turn win His favor, for you already have it for Christ’s sake. You need not strive by your strength, will, dedication, courage, or even your faith to try to convince God to make a move on your behalf, because He already does every second of the day on account of Jesus. You don’t need to try to sway Him with large money gifts or seek to piece together your life to make it appear worthy of His care, because He already cares more for you than you can comprehend this side of death, for His death proves it. Not only can nothing of what you do earn any of what you seek from Him, there’s no need for you to even try. Every ounce of God’s favorable disposition toward you that you could ever hope to have is already yours and more in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Encompassed in this event in Naaman’s life is God intent of sending Word to you today; to remind you of His promise to cleanse you, to wash you, to save you from your sins; a promise given while our first parents were still in the garden fresh off the first sin. The Seed of the Woman would come to crush the serpent’s head. Then history began to carry on after the Fall and, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, certain events were written down for the benefit of people like us; sinners in need of salvation and news of it being won. All of these events and other writings in the Old Testament are markers, glimpses, pictures of the One Who was to come to fulfill all righteousness and complete the work of salvation. They were pictures of how He’d do it and what it would look like played out in your life. One of these events was Naaman, a gentile, someone born distant from God, someone covered with a disease he could do nothing about nor rid himself of. The Lord, by His Word, led him to water, not just plain water, but water included in God’s command and combined with God’s word. It was water and the Word that would cleanse him of the disease. Naaman’s only role in it all was to receive the promise God placed by His Word in that water. He did according to the word of the man of God, washed according to the word, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. That was written so that you may believe and be comforted in the assurance of salvation in your Holy Baptism. Trust only what God has written, for there is no other infallible word. He doesn’t want you to be left wondering or placing your hope and comfort in anything but what is from Him. He doesn’t want you to have uncertainty about His love for you, His grace and peace upon you, His Son’s life-giving sacrifice for you. So, he gave you the blessed assurance of Baptism that is effective because of His word in it. You were born a gentile, distant from God, covered by the curse of leprosy, that eternally condemning sin of which you are unable to rid yourself. The Lord, by His Word, led you to water, not just plain water, but Holy Baptism, water included in God’s command and combined with God’s word. It was water and the Word that cleansed you of the disease of sin. You are no longer in bondage to it. Your only role is to receive the promise God placed by His Word in that water. Your Cure is beyond the body, penetrating even to the soul, there washed clean by God giving you a new heart, indwelt by His Holy Spirit. Now, as a baptized believer in our Savior Jesus Christ, have confidence that God works through your baptism. He has given you the picture of Naaman to display how His promise combined with such a simple element as water is able to make you, who though being dead, is now alive in Christ Jesus. The washing away of Naaman’s leprosy didn’t keep him from eventual earthly death, nor will your visit to the font keep you from yours. But, seeing how God’s promise is effective to drive away disease and death, and restore leprous flesh to new like that of a child, step into all your days hopeful and joyous in the promise of everlasting-life through the forgiveness of your sins; a washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit; a washing that will completely restore you on the Day of the Resurrection of the Dead. Remember your baptism and cling to it, for in it, you are clinging to the Promise of God, Who is your Redeemer in body and soul.

In ✠ Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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