Numerous women at Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church practice the sacred tradition of head covering/veiling when the Church is gathered together in worship, especially in The Divine Service (The Holy Mass). We provide free veils in the narthex for any woman who would like to try out this practice in her personal, pious ceremonies observed in holy worship. The veils are in a basket in the narthex and, again, are FREE for the taking to make use of. If you would like to order your own, has a wide selection at very reasonable prices (some FREE + shipping).

Also with the veil basket in the narthex is a printout of the document below that explains the Scriptural foundation for the practice and our response to it. Then, further down this page are links to a well-written article and a couple of good podcasts covering the topic of head covering/veiling.

Here is an article written for The Gottesdienst Blog by Pastor Larry Beane:

And here is a podcast on which Pastor Larry Beane was a guest on KFUO’s Thy Strong Word , hosted by Pastor Phil Booe:

And, finally, here is another excellent podcast on which Pastors Jason Braaten and John Koopman discuss the tradition:

On Facebook, there’s also a forum called Headcovering for LCMS Women that has a lot of encouragement in its discussions and is a great place to ask questions in a safe environment.