
✠ Psalmody: Psalm 72:1;Isaiah 60:6b, 1;Matthew 2:2b;Psalm 72:10–11 ✠ Lection: Isaiah 25:1;26:11a;28:5a;35:1a, 2b, 10a;41:18a, c;52:13b;12:3–5; Ephesians 1:13b–18;St. John 1:29–34 In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. It is more than fitting to celebrate the Baptism of Jesus on the octave of the Epiphany, that is, on the eighth day after observing that feast as we did last Sunday. Such is true because He Who was revealed to the world, Jew and Gentile alike, as both God and Man, is shown on this day how the full counsel and intention of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and HolyRead More →

✠ Psalmody: Malachi 3:1;1 Chronicles 29:12;Psalm 72:1;Isaiah 60:6b, 1;St. Matthew 2:2;Psalm 72:10–11;St. Matthew 2:2 ✠ Lection: Isaiah 60:1-6;Ephesians 3:2b-12;St. Matthew 2:1-12  In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the midst of an ever-increasingly tumultuous world, when you come to church, you may be tempted to feel like you’re avoiding what’s going on around you by living in a bubble, by burying your head in the sand of religion, by being here this morning, in a place that is intentionally different than the ways of the world. Yet, you do no wrong to seek Christ’s ‘bubble’ whereRead More →

The Transfiguration of Our Lord – Sunday 21 January A✠D 2024 ✠ Psalmody: Psalm 77:18b;84:1–2a, 4, 10–11;45:2a;110:1;96:2–3 ✠ Lection: Exodus 34:29–35;2 Peter 1:16–21;St. Matthew 17:1–9 In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. As with Saints Peter, James, and John, the Lord has been showing and teaching us much as He’s brought us to His Transfiguration. Our flight up to the top of this mountain of remembrance has been swift, being that it was still but a month ago that we were preparing to celebrate the Nativity of our Lord. And here we are today closing out EpiphanyRead More →

The Epiphany of Our Lord – Sunday 7 January A✠D 2024 ✠ Psalmody: Psalm 72:1, 2, 10-11;Isaiah 60:6b, 1;St. Matthew 2:2b ✠ Lection: Isaiah 60:1–6;Ephesians 3:2-12;St. Matthew 2:1–12 In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Behold, the LORD and the Ruler is come: and the kingdom is in His hand, and power, and dominion. Now, for more than a month, we have begun this new Church Year by the preparation of Advent leading into the joys of Christmastide, praising our coming King Jesus at His birth, wrestling with the signs that He brings, especially within our ownRead More →