The Transfiguration of Our Lord

✠ Psalmody: Psalm 2:7b; 1; Psalm 110:3, 1; Wisdom 7:26; Psalm 93:1b–2; Psalm 110:3b ✠ Lection: Exodus 34:29–35; 2 Peter 1:16–21; Matthew 17:1–9 In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. On this day when we remember the bright glory of Christ shining upon the mount, we first consider the darkness shrouding the Lord at Sinai. Indeed, when Moses entered into the Divine Presence in the Tent of Meeting, he would come out with face all aglow. The elements of light stand in contrast to the conclusion of the first giving of the Ten Commandments when “the peopleRead More →

The Transfiguration of Our Lord – Sunday 21 January A✠D 2024 ✠ Psalmody: Psalm 77:18b;84:1–2a, 4, 10–11;45:2a;110:1;96:2–3 ✠ Lection: Exodus 34:29–35;2 Peter 1:16–21;St. Matthew 17:1–9 In the Name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. As with Saints Peter, James, and John, the Lord has been showing and teaching us much as He’s brought us to His Transfiguration. Our flight up to the top of this mountain of remembrance has been swift, being that it was still but a month ago that we were preparing to celebrate the Nativity of our Lord. And here we are today closing out EpiphanyRead More →